Many baby products can be full of nasty chemicals and other toxins, even those which are advertised as being ’gentle," ’pure" or ’naturally refreshing"!
We know that so many baby and beauty products can be made without nasty ingredients, so with a little label reading and scanning of ingredients you can choose natural and organic alternatives for your little ones.
According to the American National Academy of Sciences, several factors contribute to children's special vulnerability to the harmful effects of chemicals:
● A child's chemical exposures are greater pound-for-pound than those of an adult.
● Children are less able than adults to detoxify and excrete chemicals.
● Children's developing organ systems are more vulnerable to damage from chemical exposures.
● Children have more years of future life in which to develop disease triggered by early exposure.
At Nourished Life we stock a range of natural baby products, which we gone through our rigorous selection process to make sure there is only goodness for your beautiful bub.
The Truth Behind Baby Products
Many baby products can be full of nasty chemicals and other toxins, even those which are advertised as being ’gentle," ’pure" or ’naturally refreshing"!