What were the results of the study?
From the samples analysed, it was discovered that 100% of samples contained traces of copper and 51% contained traces of lead. According to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG), 5% of these samples exceeded the maximum amount of copper and 8% exceeded the maximum amount of lead!
Who are most at risk?
Professor Mark Taylor, of Macquarie University, identified that babies and pregnant women are most at risk, particularly those who use formula. Exposure to chemicals such as lead have been shown to have a detrimental effect on children’s brain development, cognitive functioning, behaviour and IQ.
During the study it became clear that a major source of lead contamination was in fact the taps inside each household, with most brass plumbing fittings contain lead.This means that even if your water is clean, your taps may be contaminating it with metals! Other sources of contamination include some water filters, rainwater tanks and corrosion of plumbing fittings. Although the study was conducted in NSW, Macquarie University’s Paul Harvey said, ’as the sampling of household water took place across NSW, the widespread distribution of samples with elevated copper and lead concentrations demonstrates that this is not a spatially-isolated problem, and that domestic supplies across Australia are likely to be subject to similar issues".

What is the solution?
Although there are lead free stainless steel taps available, they can be difficult to find! My solution is to use a filter that’s able to remove lead from your tap water. Here at Nourished Life we have a great selection of bench top water filters that are the perfect addition to any kitchen or office space. If you’re after something to keep in the fridge, I recommend the Waters Co Ace 1.5L Alkaline Water Filter $169.95. This handy jug has a 1.5L capacity and works to balance your water’s pH levels. It also removes any chemicals, heavy metals, fluoride, odours and bacteria! For something a little larger for the home or office, I love the Waters Co BIO 1000 10L Bench Top Alkaline Water Filter $979.95. This hard-working water filter removes many hidden nasties including rust, sediment, bacteria and up to 99% of chlorine. This is achieved without the use of electricity or tap connection! As it’s so important to ensure you’re drinking enough water each day, using an effective filter is the best way to avoid contamination.