The science behind baby aromatherapy and natural skin care for babies
Dr Alan Hirsh, a psychiatrist and neurological director of the Smell and Taste Treatment and Research Foundation in Chicago says that babies are influenced by what they smell.
Dr Hirsh examines how scents can stimulate infants' brains and potentially enhance cognitive development. He has found that there are several safe essential oils that provide relief for baby problems like restlessness and colic. A bedtime bath with natural lavender and chamomile essential oils can help calm baby and get him or her off for a peaceful sleep.
100% Pure essential oils only
There is a difference between pure and natural essential oils, and synthetic fragrances which have no healing properties at all and can be toxic. Stick with natural skin care and organic essential oils for your bundle of joy, and use only half the amount you would for an adult. Advice differs on how soon it is safe to use essential oils on new babies, with some saying it is fine after six weeks and others suggesting it is better to wait until after three months.
Massage for maximum baby health
Massage is one of the most therapeutic and enjoyable ways to use essential oils for your baby. Studies have shown that babies who are massaged regularly are more relaxed, eat and sleep better and have less colic and constipation (what about mummies who are massaged regularly?!). One of the best reasons to massage your baby is to promote bonding, which will make baby better-adjusted and more secure.
Aromatherapy for baby skin complaints
Aromatherapy is also an excellent treatment for skin complaints such as nappy rash and mild forms of eczema. Used with organic oils or creams, essential oils and natural skin care products with anti-inflammatory properties such as calendula and chamomile which are wonderful on delicate skin.
Which essential oils to use for baby
Recommended essential oils for babies and children:
● chamomile
● lemon eucalyptus
● rose
● marjoram
● eucalyptus
● mandarin
● sweet orange
● jasmine
● geranium
● neroli
● tea tree
● sandalwood
● lavender
The range of Little Innoscents products use many of these beautiful oils in their delicate formulas so you can give your precious little one all these wonderful benefits.