20: You don't have to ditch the caffeine.
Moderate amounts of caffeine like a small cappuccino, green tea with honey or dark chocolate are all great ways to get a quick energy fix when really needed, just don't rely on them daily.
Day 21: Wake up and listen to music.
Music is proven to make you feel good physically and mentally, in fact research has also shown that it can reduce stress and anxiety and increase the feel-good hormones that help us feel energetic!
Day 22: Stress Less.
Small daily stresses traffic can build up and become just as stressful as a tight deadline that can slowly wear us down. When we stress, the body produces cortisol, which causes your heart rate to rise, and your muscles to tense. Once this energy crash wears off, you're left feeling tired and foggy. Try meditation, yoga, listening to soft music or reading.
Day 23: Don't worry, be happy.
Like stress, feeling sad, angry or frustrated drains our energy along with our spirits. Have you noticed that happy people have higher energy? Put a smile on your face by writing down 5 things you're grateful for, practice random acts of kindness, catching up with the girls or pampering yourself.
Day 24: Stay hydrated.
Dehydration causes fatigue and tiredness. Aim for 6-8 glasses of filtered water per day and be sure to add The Beauty Chef Inner Hydration Beauty Boost for extra beauty benefits!
Day 25: Try eating raw.
It is said raw food contains a higher nutrient profile for more energy and health benefits.
Day 26: Breathe deeply
Breathe to increase oxygen flow around the body and help increase focus and energy. Meditation is great way to practice breathe awareness.
Day 27: Dose up on Anthocyanin </b>
Eat plenty of antioxidant rich berries like goji berries, acai berries or blueberries. These contain the antioxidant anthocyanin, which may boost energy. Or sip on this delicious anthocyanin–rich Butterfly Blue Tea
Day 28: Try a little at home (or office) aromatherapy!
Research has shown that aromatherapy, especially citrus essential oils help to increases alertness.