Day 8: Eat a light lunch
With complex carbs. Yes protein is important to keep you full and satisfied but no carbs, means no energy!
Day 9: Eat lunch outdoors
Sunshine helps boost Vitamin D, which is essential for sustained energy. Outdoor air will also help you to feel more refreshed!
Day 10: Pamper yourself
Take a little time out once a week to do what makes you feel good. It could be a natural face mask, massage or doing your nails. Doing things that make us feel good, help us to feel happier and in turn more energised.
Day 11: Stretch regularly.
This helps to increase circulation around the body, even movements as small ankle or shoulder rolls will help.
Day 12: Power nap
Aim for 5-20 minutes, any longer will have the opposite effect and make you feel more tired for the rest of the day.
Day 13: Avoid alcohol
For at least two hours before bed as it can cause a restless sleep, leaving you tired for the next day.
Day 14: Understand your late night cravings.
They usually mean you're overtired, not hungry and your brain is telling you it needs a sugar hit to stay awake. Go for something light, low in sugar and that's easy on your stomach like warm almond milk, a small organic yoghurt or soup.
Day 15: Let light into your home and office.
Light, especially natural light, helps to optimise the body's "wake up process".
Day 16: Don't hit the snooze button!
Delaying your day and falling back to sleep will only make it harder to get going when you really need to. Try keeping your phone at the other end of the room and setting it a little later so you're forced to get up.
Day 17: Get a shiatsu massage
A Japanese form of massage, which is designed to stimulate muscles and increase energy levels. No time? Even giving yourself a little shoulder rub will help!
Day 18: Switch off all electronics
Electronic devices should be turned off least 30 minutes before bed to signal to your brain it's time to switch off. This will help you fall asleep with more ease, ensuring you get your full 8 hours and wake up feeling well rested.
Day 19: Turn off the TV!
If you're usual way to unwind at the end of a long day is to sit on the couch, studies have shown it can actually make us feel more tired because you're numbing your mind or 'switching off' instead of stimulating it. Try an easy walk in nature, calling a friend, reading a book or cooking your lunch for the next day.
Keep your eye out of the final week of tips next week!