We all become busier when kids start back at school and work holidays come to an end. Because of this, we can often place our health on the back burner. Especially our gut health!
Many of us don't include gut health on our list of concerns, despite its significant impact on our overall health. Neglecting your gut health can lead to some uncomfortable symptoms and even parasites! Yuck! To prepare for this post, I interviewed a gut health expert, and author of the book Heal Your Gut, Lee Holmes, on what parasites are and how to treat them.
What are the common symptoms of someone who has parasites?
There are many symptoms of parasites that we often overlook! The most commonly recognised signs, however, are itchy ears and nose. In women, parasite symptoms include fatigue, damp lips at night, dry lips during the day and grinding teeth while asleep. Men, on the other hand, keep an eye out for symptoms like forgetfulness, slow reflexes and bloating. Men may experience unclear thinking, a loss of appetite, yellowish skin, a fast heartbeat or heart pain.
What can you do to help avoid parasites and improve gut health?
Here on Nourished Life, we stock the Supercharged Food Heal Your Gut Powder. It's a powder containing 100% fossil shell flour (diatomaceous earth) which is a food ingredient that works to cleanse your digestive system by gently removing toxins, impurities, build-up and parasites!
To read more of my blog posts on gut health click here and here!
What is Diatomaceous Earth & how does it work?
Diatomaceous Earth looks like a cylinder or a honeycomb full of holes, with a powerful negative charge. As the millions of these cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract, they attract and absorb bacteria, fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins, pesticides, drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals and more. These pathogens become trapped within the hollow cylinder structure and are removed from the body. Additionally, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or digestive tract are "cut up" and killed by the sharp edges of the Diatomaceous Earth particles.
In the Supercharged Food Heal Your Gut Powder the diatomaceous earth is entirely naturopathic-grade and organic. The finest diatomaceous earth on earth!
How long do you need to use this to be effective?
The Heal Your Gut powder from Supercharged is a gentle cleanser, making it ideal for extended use. Heal Your Gut powder acts to gently sweep away waste, plaque, mucus and parasites that can be present or build up. If you have any concerns regarding parasites or other digestive issues, please always consult your healthcare professional.
What is the main benefit of using this powder for people who don't have digestive?
Using this powder creates an 'unburdened' digestive system, leading to improved nutrient and hydration absorption. Many people use the powder for weight loss as waste is more effectively disposed of. Plus - if you're getting better nutrient absorption from your food, your body won't crave so much to meet its needs, benefiting weight loss as well.
How much should you take? How often?
Simply add a level tablespoon to your water or juice twice a day, preferably before meals. You can also sprinkle it onto your morning cereal because it's completely free of any additives, preservatives, fillers, sugars or artificial sweeteners!
How much does it cost? How long will it last?
The Supercharged Food Heal Your Gut Powder is 250g of product for only $18! If you take this powder twice daily it will last you approximately 6 weeks.
For more information on healing your gut, Lee Holmes has actually written a whole book called 'Heal Your Gut'. It's filled with over 60 delicious recipes and lots of information that can help you to feel your best. It's a great read so I highly recommend you pick up a copy!
- This post was written as an interest piece, and to get us thinking more about our gut health. This post is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical conditions. Anyone with digestive issues or any health concerns including parasites should consult with their healthcare professional.
- For use during pregnancy or for children consult your healthcare practitioner.
Lee Holmes is a Gut Health Expert, Author and Holistic Nutritionist. Lee holds an Advanced Certificate in Food and Nutrition is a whole foods chef and qualified yoga teacher. She is currently studying Food Psychology at Naturecare.