A Personal Post About Time

As we come to the end of 2013, and as I think long and hard about how Nourished Life can really up the ante next year with even more http://www.nourishedlife.com.au[natural skin care], makeup and healthy living goals and objectives, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the year that was.
Jan 01, 1970by
In January 2013 I made the personal decision to sell my home and move closer to the city. I was stuck in peak hour traffic for up to 4 hours a day, 5 days a week driving the kids to school, day care and then myself to work. I was deeply entrenched in the corporate grind (I've always worked in marketing, previously in the cosmetics industry, but more recently in movies).

All those hours in peak hour gives one a lot of thinking time and I wanted more than anything to have the freedom to pour my heart and soul into Nourished Life - the research, the products, the shop and truly living those Two powerful words that are my brand. By the end of January we had relocated, I cut my travel time into work down to 20 minutes and was able to pour all that extra time into building this dream.

In February, Nourished Life was featured on the cover of the local paper. It rained the week the paper came out, but I was so excited I ran up my street and fished them all out of the gutters.

In May I got a call from Channel Nine, to appear on Mornings to talk about "Going Organic"! (I hadn't been on TV since my 1984 cameo on YTT) The Channel Nine hair & makeup team used the natural makeup products from my shop to transform me into a true toxin-free beauty queen for the morning, I shared my story and the segment really connected with Australian Women. In fact online search data shows an unprecedented surge of people seeking out organic related beauty products in Australia on this day!

Throughout June I was working on the marketing for a movie called About Time, it was a beautiful film about being able to go back in time and do things differently. By the end of the movie I decided it was about time I do things differently, so after 18 years of corporate life I quit and jumped head first into Nourished Life.

The 6 months between July and now have been the most challenging rewarding days of my life. I've worked with more gusto and passion than ever before, I've experienced the excitement of picking up my daughter from school and spending quality time with my little boy.

I have an unshakable determination to make toxin-free shopping easy, inspirational and fun, to make online shopping personal, trustworthy and real. To sift through the constant explosion of new products on the market and bring you the best natural and organic products available and to share valuable information to help nourish our life.

Happy New Year and bring on 2014!

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